Why Should You Form an LLC to Operate Your Business?

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a cross between a Corporation and Sole Proprietorship. It has the benefits of each. There are currently over 30 million in the United States with over 5 million new LLCs formed each year and...

LLC Operating Agreements: The Purpose Clause

An LLC takes on a life of its own, separate from any human being. The heartbeat that gives the LLC its life is the purpose clause. Most Operating Agreement templates will draft this purpose clause in the broadest way possible...

Keeping Your LLC Anonymous

Anonymity is often a big part of LLC asset protection strategy. Some states enable it while others do not. What is important to know is that you can file in an anonymous state and then blow your cover.

In What State Should I Form My LLC?

The most popular question from anyone who wants to form an LLC is, what is the best state to form the LLC. So many people talk about the three good states, Delaware, Wyoming and Nevada.

Single Member LLCs: Not All LLCs are Created Equal

The way it works is that the LLC is a legal invention that separates an owner from their business. In order to get your protection you must follow the rules. If you do not, your LLC will be viewed as...